School Programs


Top Tennis offers school tennis for primary school and high school students in two formats. It is run and organised by Andrew, Peake, Jesse Laino and Anthony Raso who are both full time coaches and have conducted 1000's of school tennis lessons at over 50 schools combined over a 15-year period, rest assured your school classes are in good hands!

FORMAT 1 - Lessons are conducted at or in the school grounds, either on a sports court, basketball court or hall.

  • 45 minute sessions per class and each class has a 3-week program
  • Lightweight racquets, smaller portable nets and low compression balls
  • One coach per school class with games, skills, basic technique and participation the key elements of the program
  • It can be run jointly with the school sport or P.E programs or as a separate activity

FORMAT 2 - Lessons are conducted at the local tennis courts (if accessible) inside school hours with all equipment provided.

These classes follow the same structure as the school classes above, except with the added benefit that the school has the ability to access the local tennis courts due to the proximity or have the opportunity to visit the tennis club during school hours.


